Notice – Charity No 1063786
The Executive Committee of Siri Guru Singh Sabha (hereinafter the “Sabha”) intends to consider putting resolutions to the members of the Sabha concerning the following:
- The location of the Gurdwara at Ifield Green;
- The occupation of the building formerly used as the Gurdwara of the Sabha in Spencers Road; and
- The sale of the building formerly used as the Gurdwara of the Sabha in Spencers Road.
The Executive Committee proposes that all those individuals who currently attend the Spencers Road premises, and any other person with an interest in the affairs of the Sabha, be given an opportunity to be involved in the Sabha’s decision making.
The affairs of the Sabha are conducted according to its Constitution, a copy of which is available for inspection at www.crawleygurdwara.org.uk or The Gurdwara and Sports Centre, Ifield Green, Ifield, Crawley, RH11 0NU or on request from info@crawleygurdwara.org.uk.
The Executive Committee asks interested persons to note as follows:
- A new Executive Committee of the Sabha is due to be elected in April/May 2019.
- The procedure governing the election of members to the Executive Committee is set out at Appendix 2 of the Constitution.
- The Constitution requires that members of the Executive Committee shall be voting members of the Sabha, therefore anyone wishing to stand as a candidate to be elected to the Executive Committee or vote in the election to the Executive Committee must first be a member of the Sabha.
- Anyone who meets the membership criteria of the Sabha (set out in the Constitution) is welcome to join the Sabha. Attendance at Spencers Road does not, on its own, constitute membership of the Sabha. Any person, including those attending Spencers Road, may apply for membership of the Sabha, by downloading a form from the Sabha’s website (www.crawleygurdwara.org.uk) or obtaining a printed copy from Ifield Green, Crawley. A membership form must be completed and submitted to a member of the Executive Committee to be validated, and provided the applicant meets the membership criteria and pays the requisite membership fee, their details will be added to the register of members.
- The membership of the Sabha as at 31 March 2019 shall be entitled to participate in the process of election of the new Executive Committee, provided they meet the criteria set out in the Constitution.