1. Election Notice 2021 2. Election Time-Table 3. Election Officers 4. Nomination Form
Sevadars doing seva at Siri Guru Singh Sabha, Ifield Green, Crawley
Sevadars doing seva at Siri Guru Singh Sabha, Ifield Green, Crawley. Painting the front gate and fixing the broken wall in the car park. Come and join us there is lots more to do, your contributions and ideas are always welcome. Come and Join us
Siri Guru Singh Sabha, Crawley
Siri Guru Singh Sabha, Crawley (Charity no. 1063786) OGM/SGM Sunday 1st December 2019 All registered members of the charity Siri Guru Singh Sabha, Crawley (Charity no. 1063786) are hereby notified of the forthcoming Ordinary General Meeting (OGM) of the Charity to be held at Siri Guru Singh Sabha Gurdwara, Ifield Green, Crawley, RH11 0NU on […]
Membership Form 2022
Membership Form of Siri Guru Singh Sabha Crawley (regd. charity no: 1063786) Membership will expire on 31st March 2022 This Form should be completed and returned to the general secretary of the Sabha, based at Ifield Green, RH11 ONU, along with photographic proof of identity (passport/driving licence). Download Membership Form 2022
Membership Extension
IMPORTANT NOTICE TO ALL REGISTERED SABHA MEMBERS AND NEW MEMBERS A resolution was passed by the Executive Committee and an announcement made on 27th May 2018 at the Special General Meeting, to extend the current membership for all registered members and any new members that join to 31st March 2022. Any new members joining […]
NOTICE 16.01.19-SR-MLK
Notice – Charity No 1063786 The Executive Committee of Siri Guru Singh Sabha (hereinafter the “Sabha”) intends to consider putting resolutions to the members of the Sabha concerning the following: The location of the Gurdwara at Ifield Green; The occupation of the building formerly used as the Gurdwara of the Sabha in Spencers Road; and […]

Shahidi Gurpurab Guru Arjan Dev Ji
Arambh Sri Akhund Path Sahib 14th June, 10 AM Bhog 16th June, 10 AM